Naturamon's FieldMap Next Level Crop Management

Accurately count apples, monitor your orchard's health, and achieve optimal yield like never before.

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User-Friendly & Cost-Effective

No need for high-end equipment. Begin with your action cam or smartphone today!
gopro on tractor
Attach a camera to your tractor or use your phone to record your orchard.
data upload
Upload data into the cloud. Our system will automatically analyze your orchard.
map view
View your orchard in our web app. Get actionable insights and improve your orchard management.

Labor and Cost Reduction:

Manual Thinning:

Minimize manual thinning due to accurate blossom thinning, resulting in less thinning necessary.


Fertilize more efficiently by adjusting based on the yield taken away, leading to reduced usage.

Employee Management:

Enhance efficiency by knowing in advance where and how many apples need to be collected.

Yield Improvement

Fruit Size Increase:

Increase fruit size by 3 mm by removing the right amount of blossoms in a single application directly after bloom.

Alternation Cycle:

Escape the alternation cycle by adapting your tree pruning on your trees yield.

Optimal Taste:

Have the best taste by having the optimal amount of fruits on your trees.

Discover Our Features:

Automated Apple Counting:

Ensure precise counting of fruits, blossoms, and leaves through advanced video analysis. Improve harvest predictions, thinning accuracy, and fertilization strategies.

Tree Level Insights:

Access the history of every tree. Adjust tree pruning based on fruit loads and spot weak trees early for better care.

Continuous Improvement:

Our models learn and adapt. Found an error? Mark it, and our system ensures it won't happen again.

Experience the Change:

Ready to elevate your orchard management? Request a demo now!

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